Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

25205 - Environmental administration and law

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25205 - Environmental administration and law
Faculty / School:
201 - Escuela Politécnica Superior
277 - Degree in Environmental Sciences
571 - Degree in Environmental Sciences
Second Four-month period
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process of this subject is based on these attributes:

1. Theoretical explanatory classes. Study and individual work. The teacher will explain the basic notions of the theoretical and practical program. The students will carry out a complementary work reading the documents that are published in the electronic platform of the subject.

2. Resolution of questionnaires and juridical problems. Study and individual work. Comment in the classroom. Delivery of results to the teacher. The students must solve the questionnaires and practical exercises, in conformity with the chronogram published in the electronic platform of the subject. For it they will help themselves with the dossiers published by the teacher, legislation, databases and other electronic tolos.

3. Literature review.Study and individual work. Delivery of results to the teacher and oral exhibition. The preparation of this work for the students will come preceded from the corresponding meetings of tutorship.


5.2. Learning tasks

The program foreseen to achieve the results of learning understands the following activities:

1. Theoretical explanatory classes. The teacher explains the lessons stimulating the participation of the pupils. His purpose is to transmit the notions of the subject of a clear, systematic, synthetic and pleasant form. Also one tries to wake the interest up for the subject and to motivate the student in your individual study.

The teacher will explain the juridical concepts, institutions and fundamental beginning of the environmental Law. This explanation will not be exclusively theoretical or conceptual, because she will highlight the practical utility of the knowledge that are transmitted. It is a question of promoting thoughts and critical attitudes before the Law.

2. Resolution of questionnaires and juridical problems. The teacher will publish the exercises in the electronic platform of the subject. The delivery will take place across the own platform.

The students must check the dossiers supplied by the teacher before solving the exercises. Later, they must read the exercise completely, trying to identify, in outline, the topics that sublie to the questions. It is necessary to understand the content of the proposed case and to dominate the technical, theoretical or legal questions that it provokes.

On the base of the previous thing, they must answer all the questions of discursive and reasoned form. Every response must be sufficiently argued. It is a question of demonstrating what has studied and understood. It is not a question of finding only the correct response but to demonstrating a good reasoning in Law and the knowledge of the matter. There will be valued, likewise, the personal contributions and the application of all the knowledge related to the questions.

3. Elaboration of a bibliographical review. This individual work will be tutelado for the teacher. A bibliographical review is, fundamentally, an explanatory brief work on the content of any type of document, with two basic pretensions: to be synthetic and critical.

This work must emphasize the fundamental of the analyzed document, the basic structure and fundamental ideas that support it and the keys of reading that allow to understand his your content. It is not a question of a simple summary, since the aim is to offer light on the totality of the document that is analyzed and to be positioned critically before the same one.

In addition, the review must be a critique. It is not a question of judging the content of the document depending on our own tastes or criteria, but to indicating the problems that provoke about the exhibition written by the author, the lagoons or the current importance of the current importance of the topic.

As general orientation the review should serve to introduce in the reading of the document the new readers. Everything what is said must serve to this lens, provoking the interest.

Finally, there must be born in mind that the aspects relative to the organization of the content, rules of edition and draft and calendar of tutorships, delivery and oral defense will publish in the electronic platform of the subject.


5.3. Syllabus

A. Theoretical programme

Lesson 1. Institutional structure of the State.

Lesson 2. The sources of the law. The fundamental principles of the Spanish legal sistem.

Lesson 3. Development of environmental law.The Spanish Constituticion and the right to the environment. Division of competences between the centre and the local and regional authorities. Administrative structure.

Lesson 4. International environmental law. The European Union's environmental legislation.

Lesson 5.Public access to environmental information. Environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage.

Lesson 6. Regulatory legal techniques and environmental control.

Lesson 7. Implement legislation on environmental impact assessment.

Lesson 8. Economic instruments and fiscal incentives on the environment. Techniques of standardization and certification applied to environmental protection.

Lesson 9. Administrative and criminal enforcement of environmental crimes.

Lesson 10: Protected natural areas and planning.

B. Practical exercises programme

Exercise 1. Environmental legislation in the European Union: search, location and references.

Exercise 2. General environmental legislation of the Spanish State: search, location and references.

Exercise 3.Environmental legislation of the Autonomous Communities. Municipal Ordinances. Search, location and references.

Exercise 4. Ecological brands: the eco-label of the European Union. Granting procedure, product categories and verification requirements.

Exercise 5. Administrative and criminal enforcement of environmental crimes.

C. The mentored work program

The mentored work involves a doctrinal review article on environmental law. The working paper will be published class website.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of Works.

The chronogram of the formative activities will be published in the electronic platform of the subject. All the announcements relative to the evaluation will be published in the Bulletin Board, placed in the same platform.




 Theoretical sessions

 30 hours

 Practical sessions

 18 hours

 Tutored sessions

 10 hours


 4 hours

 Self study

 85 hour


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


 - LOZANO CUTANDA, Blanca y ALLI TURRILLAS, Juan-Cruz: Administración y legislación ambiental, Dykinson, Madrid, 9ª edición, 2016.



 - ARANA GARCÍA, Estanislao y TORRES LÓPEZ, Mª Asunción (directores): Derecho Ambiental (adaptado al EEES), Tecnos, Madrid, 2ª edición, 2015.

- ARANA GARCÍA, Estanislao (coord.): Conceptos para el estudio del Derecho urbanístico y ambiental en el Grado, Tecnos, Madrid, 2ª edición, 2015.

- BETANCOR RODRÍGUEZ, Andrés: Derecho Ambiental, La Ley, Madrid, 2014.

- ESTEVE PARDO, José: Derecho del medio ambiente, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 3ª edición, 2014.

- FERNÁNDEZ DE GATTA SÁNCHEZ, Dionisio: Sistema jurídico-administrativo de protección del medio ambiente, Ratio Legis, 3ª edición, Salamanca, 2014.

- JUSTE RUIZ, José y CASTILLO DAUDÍ, Mireya: La protección del medio ambiente en el ámbito internacional y en la Unión Europea, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2014.

- LÓPEZ RAMÓN, Fernando (coord.): Observatorio de políticas ambientales. 2016, CIEMAT,Madrid, 1ª edición, 2016.

- ORTEGA ÁLVAREZ, Luis y ALONSO GARCÍA, Consuelo (dirs.): Tratado de Derecho Ambiental, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1ª edición, 2013.

- SANTAMARÍA ARINAS, René Javier: Curso básico de derecho ambiental general, IVAP, Oñati, 2015.



Centro de Documentación del Agua y el Medio Ambiente. The Documentation Centre of Water and Environment is located in Zaragoza, and is open from Monday to Saturday. This link provides access to the online catalog of books and magazines. It is interesting to perform literature searches of documentary support to work. For this reason there is recommended to the students that should be given of discharge as users of the Center, thing that they can do across this link


The updated recommended bibliography can be consulted in: